Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi
He's the token computer geek. His character could of been really seriotypical but Izzy turned out really well! He's a quiet guy with an amazing sense of curiosity. Izzy would rather sit and figure out a puzzle than interact with others...He's one of my fav's!
Joe Kido
I'm sorry but when they translated his name didn't they notice it sounded STUPID!!! He is a cool chairacter and all but they killed his name. Allow me to start again
Jyo Kido
There- Isn't that better? It makes me happy anyways. Joe is a worrier (Hmmm..soundz like me) and a scaredy cat. His friends are helping him overcome his fears. Escpecially Gomamon! Who just happens to be THE cutest Digi I've seen! Anyways Joe is the intelligent one.
Mimi Tackikawa
Mimi? This poor girl has it worse than Jyo.(Dumb translators) She's the vapid member of the DiGidestined. She's selfish, vain and has a lot of fans.... <Glances around nervously>but she is funny and Palamon is helping her be more compassionate so she's turning out to be a very nice girl. I'm not quite sure but I think she likes Jyo.
Sora Takenouchi
At least someone got a good name...I really like Sora. She's strong smart and likes to insult Tai. If I may quote-'Maybe if your brain was as big as your hair you'd understand' Hehehe...she's cool. And I belive she likes Tai or vice-versa...I dunno. It's a theory. Piyomon is a reallt excellent DiGimon too...the only bidish one of the group...
Taichi "Tai" Kamiya
He's the leader.He sometimes thinks HE is the group too. He's obnoxious, headstrong and loud but he's a good guy. He comes up with stupid but surprising good plans. Tai is a positive thinker. Agumon is a kick DiGi too. He looks like a little orange raptor.
Takeru "T.K." Takaishi
Oh look! It's Yamato's little brother! He's small, he's cute and he has a strange little hat thing...whats with the hats? Mimi, Sora and T.K have the most unusual hats I've seen...I guess it's another conspiracy. Back to T.K. He's Yamato's half brother. They look alike but they have a different dad...?...they lost me there, so I'll proceed onto my favorite...
YEAH!!! This guy is so cool! He's protective of his little brother and a total sweetie. (Plus he looks like my Boyfriend....KAWAII!!) He can play the harmonica too! His amazing talents never end...<Yawns> Okay the harmonica thing is a little slow but it is kinda cute...sorta...Matt acts like a big tough guy but he's really a big softie. His DiGimon, Gabumon, is the best as far as I'm concerned. He looks like a wolf and has the worlds cutest english accent!! A foregn DiGi! Plus WereGurumon is really wicked! That's all for now folks!
Care to check out the storyline?
--------------------------------------------[DiGimon; Digital monsters, the storyline]--------------------------------
The storyline of Digimon: Digital Monsters, is that seven kids at camp get these little devices and are sucked into another world, the world of Digimon. They land on a huge island called File Island and each person befriends a creature called digimon. Later on they find out that their digimon digivolve, which means they advance to they next level and grow bigger, when the kids are in trouble. Their digivices have the power to digivolve their digimon, but also have the power to drive out black gears and destroy them. The kids find out that they are the digidestined, a group that will come into the digiworld and save it from evil. Until they destroy the evil they will not be able to get home. In the process they learn that Earth and Digiworld are connected together because both of the worlds digital network are the same. So whatever happens in the Digiworld will affect Earth. Other things they find out are that a lot of good digimon are turning evil because of some black gear. The black gears coming from Infinity Mountain are being controlled by the most evil digimon, Devimon. After defeating Devimon they get a message from a person called Gennai to go to the continent of Server and save it from some evil being and find tags and crests that allow their digimon to digivolve to the ultimate level. When they get to Server the bad digimon that wants the kids is Etemon. Everyone finds their own crests and destroys Etemon, but a portal opens up and Tai and Agumon get sucked in. They come out of the portal and land back on Earth. Tai and a now Koromon go to Tai's house and meet Tai's sister, Kari, who somehow knows about and sees the digimons.
Wasn't that fun?